Hello lovelies,
Have you ever considered a makeover?
The reason I ask, is because I’ve realised that so many of us have spent the last year or two (due to Covid), solely focusing on the kids and their schooling or work. There has been no time for us or our needs. Therefore we are officially at the bottom of the priority list.
Whilst this may be common when there is lots going on and you have deadlines to meet. Its not good if you look in the mirror and don’t even recognise the person you have become and are unhappy with how you look, but you’re just muddling through. If this is you, then it’s time to stop and take a long hard look at yourself.
Last week I finally helped a fed up mum who was going through the same thing and you can watch what I did in my latest YouTube video below called ‘Its time for a Makeover”.
As a stylist ‘making over’ is part of the brief, but helping to change people’s lives and helping them to look and feel better about themselves from the inside out is what I believe my niche is and what sets me apart from the rest.
If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know I am a former international athlete, and I help people to change their lives from the inside out which is where you get the most out of me. You can watch me talk about this more, here. But by helping this yummy mum on a recent makeover, I can say the makeover is the last part of the journey with me because once you sign up to my get fit and stylish programme you get taken on a journey of transformation that leads to a complete makeover with an amazing team I have formed.
I want to help so many women who feel stuck, so if you are one of them do reach out and book a call. In the meantime here are a couple of self care tips for you to consider to get you back on the right track;
Focus on your inner self
Before we get started on appearance, it’s important to understand that what’s on the inside is what makes the outside look good. We often don’t treat ourselves very well. We eat poorly, we don’t get enough sleep and we are self-critical most of the times. So lets start by taking care of ourselves. Keep yourself healthy and fit. You can choose any exercise you like. It could be as simple as going up and down the stairs, jumping rope, biking, yoga, pilates.
Eating Healthier
Eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid eating more than needed, especially treats. We all love those sweet treats, but it’s time to cut them off as much as possible. Eating healthy will help you lose weight, have a better mood and beautiful skin!
Go to Bed Early
A good night sleep is incredibly important for your health and emotional wellbeing, it’s just as important as eating healthily and exercising. The lack of sleep is linked to weight gain. Sleep will put you in a better mood and will reduce stress and give you the ability to stay calm and controlled and help you to control your weight.
We’ve all heard about the benefits of meditation. Maybe you’ve already tried it and did not get immediate results, or you’ve never tried it. But trust me, consider including meditation in your daily routine and you’ll feel much better every day. Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Through meditation, you can achieve a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind.
Clear your wardrobe
This is a really important step! How do you feel when you look in your wardrobe? Does every single piece in it flatter and slim you? Or are you overwhelmed because all you see are frumpy pants and outdated dresses with the tag still on? If there is not a single piece that you absolutely love, it’s time for a clear out. Start putting together a vision board of what styles you like and want to wear and slowly clear out the rest. Your wardrobe should be a collection of your absolute favourite items that bring you joy every single day!
Tip of the Day: Taking good care of yourself means setting boundaries and letting people know what you want and don’t want. Believe in yourself and be compassionate with yourself! Don’t punish or criticize yourself. Accept yourself unconditionally!
If you these tips resonate with you and you want to have a chat about your transformation journey lets have a talk here. But if you are ready to start changing your life from the inside, sign up here. However, if you just want help to create your new signature look take a look at my exclusive service here.
Finally if you like what you read and want to be a part of my Style community why not download my free outfit planner here.
I hope you have found this post helpful. Let me know in the comments what you are struggling with?
Until next time xx
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