Hello lovelies,
If you are in lockdown at the moment and not going anywhere but you still have to attend zoom meetings and online calls, I have a solution for you especially if you are fed up of wearing the same thing! Drum roll please!!
Have you considered wearing your summer wardrobe in winter to get a whole new wardrobe?
If you haven’t then you are in for a treat because if you are anything like me, I store away my summer wardrobe to give myself a bit more room for the winter and don’t always remember what I have. But in this climate if you have worn enough lounge wear and the same shirt/blouse for your work meetings then then its time to get your summer outfits out and wear them in winter to give yourself a whole new wardrobe.
Now I am not saying that you literally sit in your summer wardrobe when the heating is off, clearly not! What I am saying though is, you can wear your summer outfits quite easily by adapting them with a polo neck, a shirt, a belt and so on to get another look.
Just take a look at my latest video below to help you get started and don’t forget to subscribe so you know when the next one is out here.
Before you disappear though, while we are in January and we can all appreciate that its cold and gloomy outside and adding to the fact that you may be detoxing your body or drying yourself out from all that alcohol you have consumed. I have set a #gobrightchallenge on my Instagram pages.
All you have to do is post some images of yourselves or your kids in your brightest summer outfits and tag me either @styledbypierrecarr for yourselves and your friends or @pierrecarr for your kids to get involved. This is running all month so you have time to raid your summer wardrobe and post and tag me once a week until the end of the month. Obviously the more you do it the more chance you stand being featured on my feed or stories and the best one will get 20 percent off my wardrobe detox service.
My wardrobe detox can be done virtually from anywhere around the world so you don’t have to worry. But it’s a great way to work with a professional like me and start from zero with clothes that still fit you and you like. Anything else is just taking up room and should be donated. But I can get into that later. This service offer applies to kids as well as adults if you wish get help for yourself or your mini. But I thought it would be useful for you in this difficult time as this year I will be doing my best to educate, inform and inspire.
Tip for the day: When detoxing your wardrobe firstly clear out everything and lay it on the bed so you can see everything. Look at the quality of the items and see if they look a little tatty, got bobbles etc and decide whether you love it or it needs to go. Do a little at a time to avoid overwhelm and as a suggestion I recommend sorting out 5-7 items before you take a break and go back to it, if you need too.
I would also suggest sorting through your accessories too. Jewellery boxes are for rings, bracelets and earrings everything else needs to be hung up to see.
More tips will be coming live on my Instagram feed so make sure you follow with the links above. But if you aren’t already, why not join my style community here to be kept in the know of tips, offers and information.
If you like this post check out The Art of Wearing a Blanket Scarf: Five Ways
Until next time xx
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